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149. Love Mondays: Embracing the Champion Mindset – Lessons from Venus Williams

Embracing the Champion Mindset: Lessons from Venus Williams

Issue 149 – July 1 2024 

“Just believe in yourself.

Even if you don’t, pretend that you do and, at some point, you will.

– Venus Williams, former world No.1 tennis player

Monday Musing: Can the mental strategies of top athletes help us achieve our personal and professional goals?

With the Paris games just around the corner, it’s time to take a page from the playbook of the world’s best athletes and see how their winning mindsets can inspire us corporate athletes!

I recently had the privilege of interviewing one such champion athlete, Venus Williams at the New Orleans ATD International Conference and Expo

Venus is widely regarded as one of the greatest tennis players of all time, with four Olympic gold medals and one silver, and 18 Grand Slam titles, but beyond her accolades, Venus is renowned for her grit, refusal to dwell on the past, and relaxed disposition—qualities she believes are essential for both sports and life. 

Onstage, I found her to be wickedly funny, reflective and calm. When I asked her how she cultivates a winning mindset, she emphasised the power of perspective:

“A winning mindset is really just about how you frame things. You can frame anything to be a win or to be a positive. In fact, losses are just a moment. It’s literally just that one moment in time. It might seem like the end of the world at that time, but it’s just a moment. And it’s actually an opportunity because now you found out what not to do.”

Venus also shared that she, like many successful people, uses the power of an alter ego to channel a more powerful and confident version of herself. When facing her opponents, she told me she transformed into her alter ego:

“I am the undertaker. I don’t want to leave anyone alive on the court.” 

Akin to Beyonce’s ‘Sasha Fierce’, though as Venus joked, hers is more like the Grim Reaper! Her self-description got a lot of laughs because it felt in such stark contrast to her bubbly disposition. But it’s a tactic she credits with getting herself through some high-pressure moments. 

Take charge of your Monday. 


How could applying mental strategies (like self-talk and alter egos) help transform your daily challenges into opportunities for growth?


Empowered, knowing that you have the ability to positively influence your trajectory.


Embrace the playfulness of developing your alter ego: What would you call them? What energy/personality would they have? What are the moments where you’d be asking them to show up? 

Holly and Venus

P.S.  Don’t miss today’s edition of Love Mondays More where I dive deeper into what makes champions champions.

A peek into my week.

What I’ve been up to over the week that was.

Holly Ransom

Inspiring Talks and a Cute Joey at #LionsCon24

They say never work with kids or animals, but I have to disagree! This beautiful joey named Esme was just one of the delightful guests I interacted with at the Lions Club International Convention last week.

In addition to meeting Esme, I had the honour of moderating an inspiring panel discussion with some incredible individuals: Explorer and Ocean Advocate Alexandra Cousteau, Technology Entrepreneur Marita Cheng AM, and Astronaut Chris Hadfield.

Together, we delved into how each leader has navigated their unique paths to drive positive change and inspire others to make meaningful impacts in the world. The energy and passion from these remarkable panelists were truly infectious, leaving everyone feeling motivated and ready to take action.

Don’t just live Mondays,
love Mondays.

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