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157. Love Mondays: How Vulnerability Fuels Authentic Leadership

How Vulnerability Fuels Authentic Leadership

Issue 157 – August 26 2024 

“To share your weakness is to make yourself vulnerable; to make yourself vulnerable is to show your strength.

– Crissi Jami, poet and essayist

Monday Musing: What if your greatest leadership strength lies not in perfection, but in your ability to own and share your challenges?

Just recently, Australian meteorologist and weather presenter Nate Byrne found himself in a situation that many of us can relate to, though perhaps not as publicly. In the middle of a live broadcast Nate experienced a panic attack

What’s truly remarkable is how Nate handled it. Instead of pushing through or masking his discomfort, he paused, acknowledged his anxiety, and asked for help. That took real courage, and his authenticity resonated with people in a powerful way.

Vulnerability, especially at work, often gets a bad rap. We’re taught to keep it together, stay in control, and push through at all costs. But is that real strength? I’d argue that true leadership is about knowing when to be vulnerable and share your struggles appropriately—just like Nate did.

Modern leadership means understanding that it’s not about never faltering or always having the right answer. It’s about guiding others through the ups and downs, being authentic, and showing that it’s okay to be human.

So, what if we flipped the script and saw vulnerability as a leadership superpower? When we own our challenges and share them constructively, we become stronger, more compassionate leaders.

This week, I challenge you to lean into a moment of vulnerabililty. Whether it’s asking for help, admitting a mistake, or simply sharing a personal challenge, approach it with the intention of building trust and fostering growth, both for yourself and those around you.

Wishing you a week filled with courage, connection and growth 💪

Take charge of your Monday. 


How could embracing your challenges this week unlock new strength and connection?


Motivated by Nate’s courage to face his challenges head-on and take decisive steps to manage your own with confidence.


Embrace a moment of vulnerability this week. Watch how it transforms not only your interactions but your leadership journey.

P.S. If you or someone you know has faced a panic attack, this short video offers 5 calming tips to help regain control and move forward with confidence.

A peek into my week.

What I’ve been up to over the week that was.

Holly Ransom

Two Inspiring Days with Virgin Unite

It was a wonderful two days getting to facilitate the first gathering of Virgin Unite’s 100% Human Innovation Cluster in Sydney last week.

This world-first pilot is bringing together leaders from across industry to commit to tackling a social impact goal collectively over a 12 month period. It was a truly inspiring two days.

Thank you to Virgin Unite and this incredible coalition of the willing for the way you showed up and engaged over the two days… I am still buzzing! I can’t wait to see this idea gather momentum 💪

Don’t just live Mondays,
love Mondays.

What did you think of this week’s issue? 

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Unlock your leadership potential

The Leading Edge is my rallying cry for change-makers hungry to shape a better world. I wrote this book with a deep belief that leadership is not just for a select few—it’s within YOUR reach too. Ready to make a difference? 

The Leading Edge image

Hot tip: Listen to the first five minutes on Audible – or sign up for a trial and listen to the full book for free!