Creating events that make an impact.
Holly has cofounded and catalysed award- winning events across the globe.
Book a chat and let’s bring your dream event to life!

We love thinking about how we can play with place and space to support content design objectives.
Learning and development research tells us that we learn better when we actively engage in the concept in a tangible way. If you’re looking for something different, why don’t we design an immersive experience to light up and inspire your people and turn learning into real life action.
Holly is co-founder & catalyst for multiple immersive events including…
Energy Disruptors
Award-winning summit boldly addressing the global energy transition.
PWC: The Outside
PwC inaugural Academy Signature Experience event ‘The Outside’ was held across five weeks and saw 2,700 future leaders participate in the immersive four-day skills and development program.
S P A C E Series
s p a c e exists to create theatrical, provocative, and transformative spaces that merge left-brain learning and right-brain experimentation to unlock new perspectives.
Australia’s largest virtual dinner party
In 2020 the world had changed. We created a gathering unlike any other digital experience.