Love Mondays 136: Harnessing the Power of Nature for Productivity and Wellbeing.

Monday Musing:

Imagine if we designed our lives to revolve more around the great outdoors than the confines of indoor spaces.


Can you inject some mindfulness into your Monday by getting a dose of nature?

I’m not talking about having to find an hour (and some outdoor terrain) to go hiking or to somehow get yourself to the ocean to go for a swim. I’m talking about finding a micro-moment or two away from the built environment.

It’s something I’ve been mindfully integrating more of into my daily routine, because let’s face it, it’s all too easy to find ourselves spending the majority of our waking hours indoors – whether within the confines of our homes, workplaces or even during commutes cocooned in our cars.

According to a UK study, people are spending a whopping 80-90% of their time cooped up indoors.  I mean I knew people watched a lot of Netflix but that’s next-level! It’s also doing next to nothing for our physical and mental health. 

By contrast, time spent in nature is a game-changer for our well-being. Research shows it boosts mental abilities, supports physical health, and enhances overall well-being, including reducing stress and improving sleep quality. Plus, it sparks our creativity and problem-solving skills.

Just 120 minutes outside, spread over the week, can work wonders. That’s just 17 minutes a day. Or two lots of 8.5 minutes. That’s as simple as putting 2-3 of your favourite songs in your ears and going for a quick walk. Or getting off a trainstop earlier and walking a final leg. Or perhaps taking your lunch with a colleague outdoors. 

And if you’re confined to indoors, whether due to inclement weather or insurmountable barriers on a given day, science shows even gazing at a photo of nature can make you feel more tranquil and improve decision making – so maybe change up that laptop or phone backdrop of yours. 

Image: St Luke’s Health

So, why not make a commitment to yourself to prioritise outdoor time not just today, but every day this week? And who knows? You might just discover a newfound sense of peace, inspiration, and vitality that stays with you long after you return indoors. 

P.S. Can you believe it’s been 6 years since I sat down with the incredible Barack Obama!? Last week, I took a moment to reminisce on that unforgettable experience. Check out this video where I answer some of the most common questions I’ve received about the interview.

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